Saturday, October 9, 2010

Vegan children - is good for them?

Raising vegan children can create quite a stir in communities not vegan - most doctors and nurses will discourage to it and other parents believe that they are damaging health and growth of his son by not allowing them eat animal products. However, it is only natural that young children do not eat meat, and these concerns are wrong is to make sure that your child gets all the nutrition they need during the years of important development.

You have a good knowledge of vitamins and minerals necessary for a diet vegan shows others that do not are endangering your child and you can even show your friends and family that a vegetarian diet is not as bad idea.Por alleged, it is imperative that you are aware of the needs of his son as a strict vegetarian, vegan nutrition of children, including information required vitamins and minerals study and obtain accredited advice, wherever possible to ensure your child is in optimal health.

Here are some vegan children titles of books with large amounts of information, hints and tips:

"Pregnancy, children and the Vegan diet" - authors: Michael Klapper, M.D. "raising Vegan children in a world not vegan: a guide for parents"-authors: Erin Pavlina "be Vegan: the Guide for the adoption of a healthy diet based on plant"-authors: Brenda Davis, Vesanto Melina

Dr. Michael Klapper, a doctor and medical practitioner American has published two books on the benefits of a strict vegetarian diet in children and adults after noticing dramatic improvements with patients that he had been prescribed a strict vegetarian diet for.Dr. Klapper says dairy is responsible for the chronic nose drip, ear and bronchial infections, inflammation of the joints, skin and bowels, eczema, ear and bronchial infections.

"Bovine leukemia virus infects up to 20% of all milk cows and is not destroyed in the process of pasteurization... rates highest in leukemia found in 3 children ages 13, through which consume more milk and products milk"-Michael Klapper, M.D.: pregnancy, children and the vegan diet.

There has been a lot of research on appropriate vegan nutrition and its benefit for adults and children that is perfectly feasible that they want their children to have the same as an adult vegan beneficios.Al survive day to day, often with more force than a meat eater so it can be to a child. with good nutrition, vegan children benefit from a diet free of animal as teenagers and in his old age products.

For everything you need to know about becoming sleep and stay at a vegan visit

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