Thursday, September 30, 2010

Is Vegan Eating Right for me?

It seems that there is increasingly more news daily e-coli poisoning in meat or other study hormones links given to livestock with cancer or even of autism. It is enough to make people swear out of meat forever, but the majority of people not realize that swear out of meat is not enough.

The same hormones given to livestock that make the meat dangerous to eat also is present in milk, sour cream and half and half is in your coffee every morning. Is trafficking is no wonder that more and more people are checking out the strict vegetarian lifestyle to see if it is for them?Need to be a vegan sound interesting to you? let's look at veganism and how it works exactly.

Be a vegan means that you cannot eat meat, but not to consume the products of animal origin in absoluto.Esto not only includes things as dairy and eggs.This, of course, can be some serious problems, especially when it comes to going out to eat in restaurants, while restaurants more and more, especially in large cities are including vegan menu items or are taking note that existing elements meet strict vegetarian lifestyle.

Vegans also made a commitment to purchase products that contain parts of animales.cosas as a coat leather sofa or even a belt would be considered a violation of the code vegan or not wearing any clothing.

One of the most interesting of being a vegan things is that you don't have to adhere to every aspect of the code continues to lead a mainly vegetarian vida.E even in circles of vegan lifestyle there are discussions about what can consume or bought and still be within the general vegan guidelines.

Honey, for example, has been a major topic of debate for many years between vegans. Some feel since the product comes from bees, an animal, it is forbidden, while others believe the bees are insects that eat honey is good.The definition of vegan and what can and can not be always consumed is changing, and is one of the interesting aspects of living a strict vegetarian lifestyle.

The term vegan goes back to 1944 when a couple in the United Kingdom decided real vegetarianism should not include such things as dairy products, eggs and even buy leather or products of animal origin for the home.This saw a deep gap appear between people that simply did not want to eat meat and those who felt that the movement of vegetarianism should take a step further.

How so many vegans are there out?While the exact number can never really is unknown, a recent survey showed that some of the four per cent of the u.s. population, are considered to be vegetarian, which means that they do not eat products cárnicos.Mayor questioning of respondents showed that five percent of these people were identified as veganos.La survey did not ask to specifically what the respondents were vegans or as strictly followed the vegan code.

Another recent survey showed that only one percent of the u.s. population do not eat any foods that are considered out of bounds for vegans, what means, meat, dairy products and huevos.Todavía was a question mark on the question of honey, which, in the minds of many vegans, is rendered useless survey.

More complications and divisions within the community of vegan are apparent when you start to analyze what exactly is a product of animal origin, and if people use or food no.Productos as whey, gelatin and beeswax even ideally would ban products under strict vegetarian lifestyle, but some less strict vegans will participate in these time in cuando.Distinto leather products, should see silk and wool, and of course, real fur.

As you can see the world of veganism it is a bit complicated and not massive change in the diet should be attempted without first consulting a physician.

Alison Clarke is a French teacher by profession and loves being a Vegan.Ella is writing a series of articles on the topics of veganism and skin care

Great Vegan Meal in 30 Minutes!

Great Ideas, Delicious meals I highly recommend this book!

Eating Vegan

Vegans are often misunderstood as eaters of fringe with an unnatural passion for animal rights. Veganism (also known as strict vegetarianism or pure vegetarianism), as defined by the Vegan Society, is "a philosophy and a way of life which seeks to exclude - what is possible and practical - all forms of exploitation of, and cruelty to animals with food, clothing or any other purpose." Vegans are generally opposed to violence and cruelty involved in the flesh, milky way, cosmetics, clothes and other industries.

Eating vegan eliminates most of unhealthy foods that tend to lead to weight problems.Eating vegetarian food will help you lose weight without strict vegetarian esfuerzo.Comer at home is easy to achieve, since you will have complete control over the selection of food and preparation and does not mean flavor of goodbye, Hello celery and car rot sticks, but eating Vegan is only half the equation.

Eating vegan foods tend to be low in fat and high in fiber and nutrients. Vegan selections are usually offered in Chinese, Indian, Italian, Mexican, Oriental, Thai and other ethnic restaurants, as well as in many strings, such as Chevys, Little Caesars, Pope John, subway, Johnny Rockets, and Taco Bell. As stated earlier, eating vegan means avoid eating any animal products. To further clarify, vegans don't eat meat, milk, cheese, eggs, honey or gelatine products. Vegans do however, eating vegetables, grains and fruits, as well as a number of other foodstuffs which do not come from animals, including mushrooms, wild rice and soy beans.Vegan foods have less cholesterol and saturated fats and avoiding antibiotics and hormones that vegan diets are pumped granja.Las animals go far in the prevention of heart attack and stroke. Vegan diets have also been used to help cancer patients.

Vegans who need to pay particular attention to get enough iron, calcium, vitamin D and vitamin B12. Vegans can get vitamin B-12, needed to produce red blood cells and maintain normal nerve function from cereals rich breakfast, supplements, nutritional yeast, or fortified soy products. Vegans can also get vitamin D-fortified foods, including enriched with vitamin D or milk soy milk rice.

Vegan food is not only a simple move on their part, also is exciting.Eating Vegan is better for the planet.Help end hunger in the mundo.Los vegans in no way are stuck to eat boring with little variedad.Comida food Vegan is fabulous and fun, and that is what I want to share with the personas.Los vegans are simply more health and food-conscious of most people and most of the people are those who eat carne.Los vegans have decided to live a certain way, and we need to respect it.

Article written by j. Foley

For More On Going information on food & be Vegan click here

The Vegan diet and their health benefits

Few Americans understand what a strict vegetarian diet is, or what they may mean for your health. Instead of a diet rich in fruits and vegetables, the typical American diet is heavy in fatty animal meats and dairy products. This way of eating has gone worse with each generation. This also increases do waistlines people. Instead eat a diet vegan is a healthy alternative. If you eat a vegetarian diet for a short time, or continue throughout life, veganism can be a rewarding lifestyle change.

Lose weight, enjoy more energy and feel great by making the switch to veganism.

What is veganism?

Veganism is a type of vegetarianism which is slightly more limited. While a vegetarian will not eat meat, some still enjoy milk, eggs, honey and other products of animal origin.Vegans also avoid all animal products posibles.Muchos even avoid the use of leather and wool because they are products of animal origin. Vegans need to be constantly on the look out for food additives based on animals. A common example is dye red food, which is a type of beetles.

Is veganism Difficult To Follow at first glance, it seems very difficult to follow a strict vegetarian diet.? Products of animal origin are everywhere, from the jelly in chocolate.Many foods that did not expect to have products of animal origin, hacer.En some parts of the world, choosing to eat a diet vegan could be extremely difficult to do. However, for most people in the United States there is an abundance of food options if you know where to look. Health food stores and specialty shops are more prone to car ry vegan foods typical supermarket chains.However, some larger chains such as WalMart, are beginning to car ry vegetarian and vegan options.

Local, small grocery stores often have a good selection of items fast food vegan friendly.If not, it may be more friendly toward making these choices to meet local needs.When you go out to eat, some kitchens are better suited towards offering vegan. Spanish, South and Central America and some food options Asians have great vegano.Y thank God options, more friendly vegan restaurants are opening across the country every day.

If necessary, you can always ask chef to keep products of animal origin to your plate. Vegan snacks are easy to plant and fresh encontrar.Frutas, along with nuts and seeds, healthy snacks that contain absolutely no animal products.

Try a handful of chestnuts of cashew, fresh fruit salad or a square of chocolate for a snack simply vegan.

Is It Delicious?

All over the world vegan dishes, dishes that most people are not even vegans.Hummus, fried okra, salads, chocolate negro.muchas things that people enjoy daily have no animal products whatsoever.

When the typical American diet focuses mainly on meat and animal fat, seeking foreign oour culture we can find a wide assortment of delicious food to enjoy.As demand grows, many food companies are now offering vegan alternatives that are just as tasty as food to replace.From vegan Bacon, sausage, hamburger and ground beef versions, there are great options for people interested in a strict vegetarian diet, but is not yet ready to say farewell to the flesh.

Vegans do not need to renounce their options for dessert or bien.pasteles, biscuits, ice cream and more they can be done without milk and eggs, and they are just as delicious as típicas.Intente versions a slice of vegan, topped with ice cream made from coconut milk vegan apple pie.Many people find that as you follow a strict vegetarian diet, their sense of taste no longer requires strongly flavored the alimentos.Las things can taste sweet with less sugar than before, making desserts even a little better.

As their systems clean waste created, they can become more sensitive to what they eat.

Is it safe veganism?

A diet balanced vegan can be incredible for his alleged salud.Por, the secret is to keep it equilibrado.Una diet of nothing but vegan cookies, while vegan, wouldn't be healthy in absoluto.Degollar to a balanced diet and resembling eating foods in moderation help you be healthier and lose peso.Incluso persons already in a range of healthy weight will be best when his body flushes of products of animal origin.

Want to know more?

Eating raw food is a great weight loss plan, but sometimes difficult seguir.Para more information visit and learn how to eat raw for their health.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Veganism - How to Live as a Vegan

Congratulations! You've just made one of the most positive choices you can ever make in your life - for the animals, for the environment and for your own health. "Taking the first step is always the hardest", but becoming vegan has never been easier than right now. Read Lesleigh's guide to get started on a vegan diet.

What can Vegans Eat?
The day I became vegan, life wasn't as hard as I had expected it to be as when the idea had first entered my mind. Meat was easily tossed aside, the taste and texture was absolutely repulsive to me.

Milk, eggs and fish however, were another thing as I had little knowledge of what vegans can eat. I and vegetarian friends of mine felt that taking such "crucial ingredients" from our diets would limit food options to a head of lettuce and a carrot or two. Little did we know that there were vast amounts of new and replacement foods which our taste buds had yet to experience.

I of course, converted to veganism the hard way. I knew not of the animal friendly alternatives and suffered needlessly in the name of animal rights. As I become more aware of "what's in what", I quickly realised there are many meat substitutes, dairy free milks, cheeses, pastries and ice-creams. Fat free has become the vegan's friend, with milk and egg-free mayonnaise, margarine and baked goods now so readily available that no one need 'suffer' without animal products in their diet.

Being vegan offers the opportunity to expand your culinary choices, but you don't need to if you prefer not to. A meat eater could still have their (faux) meat and 3 veg. every night without the guilt or immorality associated with an actual meat based diet.

There are plenty of websites that can help with the transition to vegan from meat eater or vegetarian, with advice on what to eat, where you can go buy things to eat and restaurants to take your friends. There are also many other resources (e.g. books and shops) which can assist with the transition stage.

Below are some tips and suggestions gathered on how to 'make it' as a compassionate consumer:

Food Product Substitutes
There are many alternatives to "used to" or substitute products. Although most of them won't actually taste exactly the same as the real product, over time you do find many substitutes that you will thoroughly enjoy. Often just changing brands makes a big difference in taste.

Most of the day to day ingredients that we consumed as meat eaters have a veggie substitute, be it the vitamins found in vegetables and nuts, or faux cheeses and meats. Milk on cereals, in coffee, tea, breakfast and cooking is easily replaced with the many non-dairy types that can be found at health stores such as rice, oat and soya milks. There are egg, meat and cheese substitutes which ensure no traditional home-cooked meal need be missed.

Wear Out or Throw Out?
Many who decide to convert to an exclusively plant-based vegan diet decide to keep their already-purchased leather, wool and silk garments until old and worn out. Often these people argue that this is because they feel that an animal had to die and suffer in the production of the product and therefore it should not have died in vain. Others decide that it's repulsive to wear dead animal products and cannot bare the sight of the product anymore.

Ultimately the choice to wear out or throw out is up to each individual. Over time however, most vegans will eventually rid themselves of all their ignorant or unconcerned purchases. They have comfort in knowing that they no longer support or condone these cruel and senseless industries.

How to Tolerate the Talk
Being vegan can be very challenging, especially when it comes to the thoughts of other non-vegan friends, family and co-workers. Unless you are blessed to be surrounded by enlightened vegans, you will more than likely be ridiculed, told that you will make yourself ill, that man was designed to eat animals, or that you're just plain weird. Some people who you know may will be in shock and won't understand your decision. My own sister tells people that I am allergic to meat; how could someone possibly decide to not eat meat?!

The trick is to be prepared...

I find that people will either attack because they have known a self-righteous vegan or somehow got the concept in their heads that all vegans are preachers, or that they feel guilty and do not want to confront the reality of their own choice of diet and the consequences to which it leads. As a vegan, you need to know how to respond to their ridicule:

If they say we were designed to eat meat you could mention that if we were designed to eat meat surely we wouldn't need to cook it or that our canines are not like that of all other meat eaters, which are normally a lot longer and sharper. If they say that there is no iron in vegan diets, you could mention that green leafy vegetables, nuts and seeds have iron. If you are told you will get osteoporosis because you do not consume dairy foods, you could mention that seeds, grains and nuts contain calcium and that we are the only animal species on this planet that drinks the milk from another animal.

I always say that I don't mind people eating meat, just as long as it was happy meat - meat from a liberated animal that lead a normal and natural life, and that had the opportunity to fulfill its natural behaviours. But not caged or diseased animals that suffer at the hand of profiteers. This goes down well, especially if they thought you were another preacher.

These are only a few suggestions. All new vegans will eventually find their own responses that they feel comfortable relating and that work for them. But do try to avoid being adversarial as this may offend others and damage the veganism cause. It's best to adopt an engaging and positive approach to vegan advocacy wherever possible.

Important Foods for Vegans
As a vegan you will need to consume certain foods to ensure optimal health. It is recommended that vegans consume in a day: 6-11 servings of grains, 2 servings of fruit, 3 or more servings of vegetables, 2-3 servings of beans or bean alternatives, 6-8 servings of fortified soya milk or alternatives, omega 3 fatty acids, vitamin B12 and vitamin D.

This can however, be a little time consuming and one might want to use this just as a guide. It is essential though to ensure that you do have enough protein, calcium, iron and vitamin B12 in your diet. It is best to gain these nutrients from food itself, however, there are also vitamin supplements available at most health stores.

Staying the Course
Whatever your personal reasons for becoming a vegan, we'd like to thank you for making the right choice. Making the transition can appear daunting to some people but do not despair; you are not alone. There are more like-minded vegans in South Africa than you might imagine, and our numbers grow as more people become aware of the benefits of being vegan.

"A problem shared is a problem halved", so why not get involved in one of the many on-line South African vegan communities?

If it's your health that concerns you, you should consider making an appointment with a dietician to allay your worries. There are also many books, societies and other websites that provide valuable information on nutrition, products and recipes.

We trust you found reading this article useful and we hope you'll have a fulfilling and enjoyable journey into a life of veganism.

Find out all about being a Vegan in South Africa at